Saturday 16 April 2016

The High Redwood

The Redwood is as long as a giant reaching for the clouds, trying to catch a bird. It is like a skyscraper with millions of people trapped inside. There is a big brown trunk in the deep cold forest with forest green leaves reaching for the sun. The Redwood is sitting in the middle of the dark cold forest with the leaves falling off the trees in Autumn. It feels as rough as sandpaper and rough concrete mixed with hard stones. It smells rotten but the leaves smell fresh. Birds can be heard singing in the big branches. Thousands of leaves are falling from the sky one by one.


The Wonky Oak

The tree is as big as a four storey house. This tree is a dark brown colour with pear green leaves hanging off it. It has about 80 branches for people to climb on while the kids could build a treehouse in the branches. The leaves are swaying in the wind like butterflies flying in the sky. This tree is standing tall on the ground like a girl standing on a chair. The tree has a bumpy cylindrical trunk with crisp leaves all over the ground. I can hear the birds tweeting as the leaves crunch under my feet. Some children must wish they could be there to play on the tree all day.


Friday 15 April 2016

The Weeping Willow

Image result for willow tree
The weeping willow is as tall as two African elephants. The branches are hazel coloured and the leaves are chartreuse green. The trunk of the tree is reaching for the sky like a skyscraper. The weeping willow has a tall cylinder trunk that grows taller every year. It has thousands of branches that stick out everywhere while the rough woody trunk can support a child’s treehouse. The willow leaves are drooping to the ground and it has the smell of wet wood. Would you like to build a treehouse in this tree?

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Which is the Best Takeaway?

Turkish Kebabs

I believe that Turkish kebabs are the best takeaway in Gore.

Why I think that is because the kebabs fill me up.

Another reason why I think that kebabs are the best is that, the first time we went there the man who worked there let me go behind the counter and take people's orders.

The Turkish kebab place has other things like chips, kebabs, salads, drinks and more.

I love Turkish kebabs.


Wednesday 6 April 2016

What could you not live without - Music or Sport?

I would not live without sport because I like running and netball, and I like coming 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

I also chose sport because I was born with fast legs and I like running my heart out. I would never waist my amazing gift.

So that's why I would rather have sports than music.


Tuesday 5 April 2016

Position and Orientation

In class we have been learning about Position and Orientation.

What better way to understand distances and turns, than moving Lego mini-figures on a grid.

It's always fun when the students learn as they play.

Monday 4 April 2016

Which is more Important - Sight or Hearing?

Hearing is not more important than eyesight.

Eyesight is better than hearing because you can see obstacles in front of you.
You can also play games.
When you go to a lolly shop you can see which one you want.

That's why I think hearing is not as important as eyesight.
